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News on MH17 in 2019

January 7, 2019 // 1 Comment

by This page has links to media sites covering MH17 on 2018 For 2018 links see this post For 2017 links see this post For 2016 links see this post  For 2015 links see this post  For 2014 links [...]
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Nieuwe uitleg de Groene over Russische trollenonderzoek rammelt aan alle kanten

January 23, 2019 // 0 Comments

by De Groene Amsterdammer deed onderzoek naar Russische trollen en  publiceerde hierover op 29 augustus 2018 een artikel met de titel ‘Onderzoek Desinformatie op Twitter . Hoe Russische trollen [...]

JIT countries sign Memorandum of Understanding regarding the financial support for the prosecution of MH17

January 22, 2019 // 0 Comments

by At January 22 representatives of the countries member of the Joint Investigation Team signed a memorandum of understanding regarding financial support for the prosecution. The countries will each [...]

Wat staat er in de MH17-documenten die Rutte geheimhoudt ?

January 22, 2019 // 1 Comment

by Mark Rutte weigert, ondanks zijn belofte op 18 juli 2014 om de onderste steen boven te krijgen, MH17-documenten openbaar te maken. RTL Nieuws verzocht in 2016 middels een WOB-verzoek om [...]

Raad van State: Rutte hoeft verslagen MH17 niet openbaar te maken

January 22, 2019 // 0 Comments

by Op 16 januari 2019 deed de Raad van State uitspraak in een hoger beroep aangespannen door het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken (Mark Rutte) tegen een uitspraak van de Rechtbank Midden Holland. De RvS [...]

Russian Deputy Prosecutor Vinnichenko will not question Russian citizens on their role in downing MH17

January 21, 2019 // 0 Comments

by Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Nikolay Vinnichenko in an interview with Russia newsagency Ria stated there is no need to question Russian citizens on their role in downing MH17. Sputnik [...]

Raad van State doet uitspraak over MH17 WOB-verzoek RTL Nieuws

January 14, 2019 // 0 Comments

by Woensdag 16 januari maakt de Raad van State haar uitspraak openbaar over een WOB-verzoek van RTL Nieuws om informatie over MH17 te openbaren. De uitspraak staat om 10.15 uur op de website van de [...]

4,5 years after MH17 disaster Dutch ministry releases documents requested via FOI

January 10, 2019 // 0 Comments

by At January 10, 2019 Dutch journalist Pieter Klein working for  RTL Nieuws published a few screenshots of documents related to MH17. RTL Nieuws finally received the documents in January 2019 after [...]

An overview of websites which copied Eric Zuesse’s nonsense story on MH17

January 5, 2019 // 1 Comment

by This post provides an overview of the many websites which copied the utter nonsense story by Eric Zuesse on MH17. The purpose of this overview is to demonstrate the reach and possible impact of [...]
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