May 2015

News on MH17 in 2014

May 30, 2015 // 2 Comments

by This page will cover the news on MH17 published till December 2014. I will do my best to catch up back into the history. See this post for all the news in 2015! December 30 Ukraine to test MH17 [...]

Russian newspaper reports “Ukraine BUK shot down MH17”. Let’s analyze that!

May 6, 2015 // 7 Comments

by Russian media created a lot of stories claiming an Ukraine Air Force SU-25 shot down MH17. They even used a lie detector to add weight to their “evidence”. However the SU-25 theory was [...]
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What is the level of censorship by Western media on MH17 news coverage ?

May 4, 2015 // 1 Comment

by The minute MH17 was shot down I started to read every newsitem I could find on MH17. I still do so today. I noticed there is a big difference in the coverage by Russian and Western and especially [...]

Russian trolls are desperate now. Latest claim on MH17 is debunked in 12 seconds.

May 2, 2015 // 11 Comments

by Russian authorities helped by Putin controlled media and internet trolls have been spreading clear lies since MH17 was shot down by a missile. For example on the route taken by MH17. The latest [...]