October 2016

JIT confirms: no information on MH17 in Swiss safe of detective Resch

October 31, 2016 // 0 Comments

by Today the Dutch prosecutor who in leading the JIT criminal investigation into the downing of MH17 sent an email to the next of kin. The text of the email was: The investigation team MH17 has [...]

Dutch newspaper: States may be liable for MH17

October 29, 2016 // 2 Comments

by This is a Google translated text of an article which was published online on the website of the Netherlands largest newspaper Telegraaf at October 29. THE HAGUE – Russia and Ukraine may also [...]

Ukraine foreign minister Klimkin: JIT investigation finished in spring 2017

October 28, 2016 // 0 Comments

by Ukraine press reports at October 28 that Foreign Minister Klimkin of Ukraine stated that the investigation into the downing of MH17 will be ready in spring 2017. Some sources mention June 2017 as [...]

Member of Parliament Han ten Broeke (ruling party VVD) is a cheater

October 28, 2016 // 2 Comments

by Member of Dutch Parliament Han ten Broeke is active in debates on MH17 because he is spokesman for foreign affairs for this party VVD. VVD and PvdA are the ruling parties which have [...]
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Statement Ukraine “MH17 investigation better by ratification” not reported by any Dutch media

October 26, 2016 // 0 Comments

by At October 25 the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (European integration issues) Ms. Olena Zerkal had a meeting with a number of Dutch members of Parliament. During that meeting she [...]
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