December 2016

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‘Fasten seat belt’ switch was on

December 10, 2016 // 1 Comment

by The ‘fasten seat belt’ switch in the cockpit of MH17 was set to on. This confirms the flight deviated due to some bad weather. The pilot decided to let passengers have the seat belt on [...]

BUK missile parts found in MH17 cockpit window frame

December 10, 2016 // 0 Comments

by Likely two pieces of a BUK missile were found in frames of the cockpit window of MH17. One part which is mentioned by JIT and DSB is a part of the BUK missile. Also what appears to be a fragment [...]

OSCE spots a BUK missile cannister near Luhansk in an “LPR”-controlled area

December 10, 2016 // 2 Comments

by The OCSE mission which monitors the situation in Eastern Ukraine at November 29 spotted a container which is used for transportation of likeley BUK 9K37 missiles. The cannister was spotted by a [...]