Appeal by Ministry of Security & Justice likely to take over 1 year before court verdict

At Friday April 7 2017 Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice filed an appeal against the verdict by a judge of Court Midden Holland which said the Ministry had to make public MH17 related minutes of meetings.

Details on this here.

The appeal was filed at Dutch highest court Raad van State (Council of  State) at the last day appeal was possible. Ministry was given 6 weeks to appeal.

Earlier RTL,NOS,Volkskrant filed an appeal at Raad van State on the same case.

A spokeswoman of the Raad van State today confirmed the application of the appeal. Next steps is to collect all the information of both parties RTL/NOS/Volkskrant versus Ministry. The process can take up to about three months.

Then a court hearing needs to be planned. This can take several months as well. After the court hearing the judge will make the verdict public within six weeks.

The spokeswoman told the complete process from start to end is likely to take over a year. While the average length is about 40 weeks, a complex case like this is likely to take longer.


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