Court cases against Dutch state

Secret MH17 documents: court decision into release more delayed

January 21, 2017 // 0 Comments

by A Dutch judge notified Dutch newsstation RTL Nieuws in a letter dated  January 19 2017 about a further delay into the investigation of a possible release of secret state documents on MH17. The [...]

Dutch court approves delay of 4 weeks for correcting MH17 documents

August 16, 2016 // 2 Comments

by Dutch Ministry of Justice did too much censoring of MH17 related documents. Dutch press RTL, NOS and Volkskrant used the Dutch WOB law (Freedom of Information Act) to request documents of the [...]

Many delays show the State of the Netherlands want to hide truth about MH17

July 13, 2016 // 11 Comments

by Update: July 19. The pressofficer of the Utrecht court let me know  the court did not decide yet on the request by Ministry of Justice to delay the handover of corrected documents with four more [...]