Did MH17 fuselage impacted ground at 13:23 ?

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MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile at likely 13:20:03 (UTC). The time in Amsterdam was 15:20:03. This is the time the flight data recorder stopped recording.

The cockpit and business class section was cut of the main fuselage. The main fuselage continued to fly for about 8,5 km untill it impacted the ground near Hrabove.

The exact time of the impact could not be established by Dutch Safety Board. DSB estimated as documented in the final report that the fuselage fell for about 1 to 1,5 minute before impact.

However this watch could indicate the aircraft impacted the ground at 16:23 or 13:23 local time. Three minutes after the aircraft was hit by the BUK missile.

We do not know if the time on the watch is exactly correct. Likely the watch gained about 1 minute. It is also not sure where the watch was found. The video shows the watch at what likely is the memorial plate at Hrabove. However someone could have found the watch at a different spot.

The watch was shown in a  which was published at YouTube at May 2 2016.  A user of the Russian forum mh17.webtalk.ru posted a screenshot of the watch here.


The time on the watch is interesting for being able to determine events related to the shot down.

A user called Pavel Aleynikov made photos of the BUK missile trail. The time settings on this camera were wrong. While he provided the EXIF times of his photos, it has never been determined about many minutes the time setting on his camera was wrong.

I made two blogposts about times when videos and photos of the missile launch and crash were made. One post is here.

This post titled ‘rough timeline of last minutes MH17′ also has estimates of times of certain events.

This post shows some messages posted on a vKontakte group in Torez. It shows that around 13:21:48 people started posting message about a big boom. Calculating with the speed of sound, the noise must have been just after 13:21:00.

So the watch must have been set to the incorrect time.

Vk.com/id144790361 1405603308 (+64 s) 2014-07-17 13:21:48 What was that?
Vk.com/id136531790 1405603308 (+64 s) 2014-07-17 13:21:48 What’s this bug?
Vk.com/id025772954 1405603320 (+76 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:00 what the fuck is that?
Vk.com/id012902187 1405603324 (+80 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:04 where is this?
Vk.com/id021077112 1405603324 (+80 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:04 began
Vk.com/id144790361 1405603328 (+84 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:08 On the Grad seems
Vk.com/id231427934 1405603328 (+84 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:08 on the forest cheranulo
Vk.com/id141146249 1405603333 (+89 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:13 this is the same
Vk.com/id236138536 1405603337 (+93 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:17 fuck
Vk.com/id252150908 1405603337 (+93 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:17 pussy khan
Vk.com/id141146249 1405603341 (+97 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:21 absolutely
Vk.com/id059954256 1405603353 (+109 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:33 just shot him down
Vk.com/id113279932 1405603358 (+114 s) 2014-07-17 13:22:38 Aaaaaaa on the rasypnoy it!

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1 Comment on Did MH17 fuselage impacted ground at 13:23 ?

  1. Sean Lamb // April 23, 2017 at 7:59 am // Reply

    “A user called Pavel Aleynikov made photos of the BUK missile trail. The time settings on this camera were wrong. While he provided the EXIF times of his photos, it has never been determined about many minutes the time setting on his camera was wrong.”

    Worth remembering, changing EXIF data is child’s play


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