Dutch state refuses to release Minutes of Cabinet and MCCb documents

Dutch newsstation RTL Nieuws together with NOS and Volkskrant started in 2014 a request based on Dutch Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB equal to Freedom om Information act) forcing the Dutch state and Ministry Of Justice to release documents related to MH17.

A complete summary of the process required to obtain the documents can be read in this reconstruction.

At September 2 2016 finally the Ministry of Justice released a selection of the requested documents.

However, documents related to the MCCb and special Minister meetings (Ministerraad, Cabinet) were not released.

The Dutch state lawyer  stated that the unity of government policy would be jeopardized if these reports were released. It would also make Ministers more hesitant to speak freely if the content of their confidential discussions are made public.

RTL objected to the failure to release all documents. In a new letter RTL mentioned a similar court case in which RTL requested Minutes of Dutch cabinet meetings about the Iraq war. More information in this RTL article.

At October 25 the Dutch state lawyer responded with a new letter.Again the Dutch state refuses to release documents. These documents must remain secret.

The chief editor of RTL sent this Tweet with the letter attached.



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