Judgement on MH17 freedom of information request again postponed

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In October 2014 Dutch media RTL Nieuws, Volkskrant and NOS filed a Freedom of Information (Wet Openbaarheid Bestuur) requesting Dutch government to make public MH17 related documents.

Dutch government refused, delayed and at the end was forced to release documents. It did not release all documents and a court case was started. This had severall delays as well but at the end the government refused to release documents despite being forced by a lower judge. So the government appealed at the Dutch Raad van State. The case has been registered as  201702922/1 en 201702923/1

This post describes the timeline of the WOB request.

The ordeal of the Raad van State was already postponed twice. At September 29, 2017 Pieter Klein announced on Twitter another delay by 6 more weeks. The letter sent by the Raad van State is shown below.

The reason for the delay is not given. I called the press officer of the Raad van State. Reasons for delay are not made public.

In April 2017 I already wrote that this case could well end in 2018 before a judge makes a final decision.

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