MH17 Joint Investigation Team requests the public for help in the investigation

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The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) at May 18 announced a pressconference will be organized at May 24 regarding the MH17 criminal investigation.

During the pressconference JIT will present some of the investigative findings. These findings are the
reason why JIT is  going to ask some concrete questions to the public. The main purpose of the meeting is to have a setting like a kind of crime investigation program on TV.

This meeting will primarily take place in the interest of the investigation and is not intended as an
update of that investigation. No announcements about possible suspects will be made during the
meeting. Also no information on the results of previous requests for help will be made public.

For that reason, the next of kin are not informed beforehand on the information which will be told to the press. The relatives will be informed at the same time as the press. A livestream is available which is password protected.

JIT requested the help of the public twice before. The first time a video was made public on a website of an Ukrainian media company. However the video containing the request had a serious error. It showed the downing of a military Antonov aircraft.

The 2nd request for help of the public by JIT was to provide information on a photo showing the BUK TELAR launcher. Within 24 hours the location the photo was made was geolocated by Internet users.

The pressconference in Bunnik will start at 11:00 till arond 12:30.

Bellingcat recently announced it will release a new report on MH17. This will be made public end of May.


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