new photo of MH17 wreckage found shows lefthand side door 1 (1L)

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Today I found another piece of wreckage of MH17 not seen on photos before. The part seems to be have been located near the first door on the lefthand side of the aircraft. This part is very close to the cockpit.

If this part was located close to the cockpit it could provide important information about the location where the BUK missile exploded.

The photo was found in this thread at in a post made at August 24, 2016.

The part possibly was found near Petropavlivka. This area was under heavy fighting for months which prevented the recovery of many aircraft debris. However other debris which fell near Petropavlivka were recovered by DSB. It is unknown if this particular part was taken away by someone before DSB could recover it. For sure the area was controlled by the separatists.

DSB mentioned this part in the final report and located in near Petropavlivka


The DSB final report states this part was not recovered.


This map shows the location where wreckage was located. The green area was searched by the international recovery team. The orange area is unsafe because of fightings. The separatists did not allow the recovery team to search in the areas indicated by red.

This piece of the wreckage is located roughly between the orange and red area.



The likely location of this part is indicated in blue.



The diagram at page 115 of the DSB final report suggest the above photo was used by DSB to establish where fracture lines in the fuselage were located. Thanks Wind Tunnel Man for the comment. Line U1-B1 is the edge of the debris seen on the photo.


The photo was first seen in a about MH17. Besides the photo cannot be found on other websites. So I guess a Chinese photographer made the photo. As the photographer did not work for European or American agencies the photo was not published in Western media.

appendix X of the Dutch Safety Board shows the parts that were recovered. So far I am not able to locate this part.

This photo shows door 2 on the lefthand side. For a complete overview of all photographed wreckage parts see this. 

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9 Comments on new photo of MH17 wreckage found shows lefthand side door 1 (1L)

  1. Vam // August 24, 2016 at 1:35 pm // Reply
    with DSB video.
    Coordinates may 48.142110, 38.531116

  2. Vam // August 24, 2016 at 2:08 pm // Reply

    “appendix X of the Dutch Safety Board shows the parts that were recovered. So far I am not able to locate this part.”

    He is not in the layout. The “Сепаратист” were asked to find out who took away the fragment, but it’s not done.
    Place on card

  3. Vam // August 24, 2016 at 3:17 pm // Reply

    “This area was under heavy fighting for months which prevented the recovery of many aircraft parts.”

    However, fragments of doors with elements 2R and 2L, which are also located in the Petropavlovka were taken. What prevented the export 1L, is not clear. On 30 September he was in the place.

  4. Vam // August 24, 2016 at 4:14 pm // Reply

    I beg your pardon, 30 October, not September

  5. Wind Tunnel Man // August 24, 2016 at 4:31 pm // Reply


    It certainly looks like the above deck level structures around door 1L and there does appear to be evidence of the roof skin above it shearing off and peeling away. Unfortunately the photo does not show much of the structures in the forward area above the door which may have some blast and shrapnel damage.

    • sotilaspassi // August 25, 2016 at 6:35 am // Reply

      The grey matter looks similar with the grey explosive residue around cockpit. And the single hole on it might be by secondary fragment.

      IMO: DSB say door upper part is missing, but to me it seem the bottom part is missing.
      Other side of the part could further confirm the angle of missile when detonating because it should have ricochet damage from secondary fragments.

      • Wind Tunnel Man // August 25, 2016 at 1:20 pm // Reply


        “…DSB say door upper part is missing, but to me it seem the bottom part is missing.”

        Yes and the DSB also state that there are “traces of soot on the bottom portion of the fuselage” which is rather confusing since that item of wreckage, if from the left (port) side, is from above deck level.

        • Wind Tunnel Man // August 25, 2016 at 2:17 pm // Reply

          On page 151 of the DSB report there are descriptions of the breakup of MH17 and there is a dotted line U1 to B1 (which perhaps indicates a fracture line) beyond the 6 windows aft of door 1L. That might indicate that they took the photo of the unrecovered wreckage we are discussing here into consideration in their analysis of the breakup.

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