New update criminal investigation MH17

Below is a pressrelease of the Dutch prosecutor on MH17. The pressrelease is dated February  18

The letter to the next of kin was not made public by the prosecutor. However the media were able to publish the letter.

This is the Dutch text of the letter

Here is the english text

The National Public Prosecution Service has sent the relatives of the victims of the MH17 crash a new update on the state of affairs in the criminal investigation.

5 Comments on New update criminal investigation MH17

  1. Liane Theuer // February 21, 2016 at 9:14 am // Reply

    “Westerbeke says that there is no video or film footage of the launch. Also, there are no satellite images, because of the cloud on the day of the disaster.”

    “… no video or film footage of the launch” – Westerbeke excluses photos.
    Does that mean he will use the famous plume photos as evidence ? I hope not !

    “… no satellite images, because of the cloud on the day of the disaster.”
    One is lying – either Westerbeke or Kerry.
    We remember Kerry saying : “We picked up the imagery of this launch. We know the trajectory. We know where it came from.”
    It is becoming more and more adventurous.

    Here the text of the “secret” letter :

    • Actually both can tell truth: There is no launch video in the visible light spectrum due to clouds, yet US early warning satellite could detect rocket in infra red soon after the launch at the altitude of 1000 meters.

    • I cannot access this letter – is that link still valid? Or do you have another one?

  2. Liane Theuer // February 21, 2016 at 9:36 am // Reply

    To the Bellingcat report is mentioned in the letter :
    “Many of the sources on which Bellingcat relies, were known to the JIT. Additionally, the research team has more and other information on this topic, which are not mentioned by Bellingcat. Insofar Bellingcat presented new sources, these will be studied and reviewed for usefulness for the criminal investigation. No evidence of direct involvement at the downing of the MH17 of individual members of this unit results out of this report.”

    The statement is very nebulous.
    “… more and other information on this topic”
    – does that mean, the findings of JIT contradict those of Bellingcat ?

    “No evidence of direct involvement at the downing of the MH17 of individual members of this unit results out of this report.”
    – should therefore be said that the Bellingcat report is worthless?

    By the way : I entered in google translate “Bellingcat” and the translation was “Eliot Higgins”….

    • Eugene // February 21, 2016 at 11:23 am // Reply

      >Kerry saying : “We picked up the imagery of this launch. We know the trajectory. We know where it came from.”

      Under closer inspection the imagery probably showed that the launch originated not from the party the US wanted. Oops.

      > I entered in google translate “Bellingcat” and the translation was “Eliot Higgins”….

      After more translate steps you may get to ‘NATO’. 🙂

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