Prime Minister Rutte insufficiently motivated the rejection of publication of MH17 documents

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Dutch news RTL Nieuws filed a request for information (WOB) to  Dutch Prime Minister requesting him to make public two types of documents;

  • minutes of meetings of the cabinet reagarding MH17
  • an interview report of a talk between Rutte and University Twenthe

PM Rutte refused to make public the documents and as a result RTL went to court

Dutch court Midden Holland at April 4 2017 concluded:

  • minutes of meetings do not have to be made public. Revealing the content would be  disadvantageous to the cabinet and would prevent an open dialogue.
  • Rutte has to make clear on what reasons he refused to make the interview report public. Rutte was given four weeks to respond.

A press release of the Dutch court can be read here

The court ruling is here. 

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