Sources “Ukraine chief prosecutor for MH17 Lutsenko denied entry to the United States”

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According sources in Ukraine, chief prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko was denied entry to a flight to the United States while at Schiphol Amsterdam airport in the Netherlands. This happened at March 27. Sources mention his visa for entry to the United States was cancelled. The reason is unknown but some say this is because the United States government disagrees with the opposition by Lutsenko to anti-corruption initiatives in Ukraine.

The reason for the visit of Lutsenko to the US is said to lobby to have him the next premier of Ukraine. Lutsenko is a close ally of current president Poroshenko.

The spokeswomen of Lutsensko, Sargan, denied Lutsenko intended to travel to the US, denied his visa was denied and stated he was in his office.

In other news, Ukraine media at March 28 reported that Lutsenko is part of an investigation by Ukraine anti-corruption bureau NABU because of suspicion taking illegally money. Lutsenko has bought many real estate which cannot be explained by his salary. 

I reported previously on Lutsenko on news  the Ukraine General Prosecutor’s Office has yet to make a single arrest in one of the largest corruption cases in the country’s history, which has cost the nation’s taxpayers $5.4 billion in recapitalization funds to date.


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