Summary of third plenary debate on MH17 in Dutch parliament
At March 1 2016 for the third time ever a plenary debate was held on MH17 in Dutch parliament. Prime Minister Rutte attended for the first time ever a debate on MH17.
In short, it was a repeat of previous questions and answers. Not much news to mention.
PM Rutte refused to answer questions of Omtzigt and Bontes because he felt those questions were insinuating the Dutch government was hiding information.
The transcript of the meeting can be read here.
The video recording of the complete debate can be seen here. A mirror at Youtube .
The media reported about the debate as shown below :
- Interview with Pieter Omtzigt after the MH17 debat (Radio1)
- Rutte in MH17-debat: ‘Ik heb genoeg van die onzin’ (NRC)
- Kamer wil sancties voor onveilige vliegroutes (RD)
- Rutte boos over complot-insinuaties MH17 (NOS)
- Rutte boos om doofpot-aantijgingen (Telegraaf)
- MH17-video. Rutte WOEDEND op Omtzigt en Bontes (Geenstijl)
- Rutte: insinuaties MH17 doofpot beneden de gordel (RTL)
- Rutte: Er valt geen termijn te geven voor berechting daders MH17 (TPO Online)
- Kamer blijft hameren op radarbeelden MH17 (AD)
Here is new video about #MH17 with interesting information: