Ukraine Asked U.S. for Tech to Counter Russia’s Jet-Killers

I missed this news published at July 24 2014 by The Daily Beast. The headline of the article is: Ukraine Asked U.S. for Tech to Counter Russia’s Jet-Killers. 

Kiev in June asked NATO and the US for  radar jamming and detection equipment necessary to evade and counter the anti-aircraft systems Moscow was providing the country’s separatists.

Could it be such a radar jamming equipment caused a BUK missile to be redirected to MH17?

According to experts interviewed by The Daily Beast  even if the White House had agreed immediately to send Kiev specialized planes or ground based jammers and radar detection systems, the equipment would not have arrived in time to protect MH17 or the other Ukrainian aircraft that rebels appear to have shot down since March.

However it is another indication Ukraine feared the usage of SAM systems like BUK in Eastern Ukraine. It is another  strong argument that Ukraine should have closed its airspace.

Read the complete article here.

4 Comments on Ukraine Asked U.S. for Tech to Counter Russia’s Jet-Killers

  1. Policarp // April 8, 2017 at 1:08 am // Reply

    “the equipment would not have arrived in time to protect MH17 or the other Ukrainian aircraft that rebels appear to have shot down since March.”

    What if equipment was already there? Or just across the border in Poland.

  2. Policarp // April 8, 2017 at 1:17 am // Reply

    Also, there is no point for Russians to make troublesome transfer of hardware (TELAR) and then not to support it with data from KUPOL across the border. With KUPOL guidance TELAR would only need to switch on illumination radar for last 6-10 of missile flight. Hence, jamming was not focused on TELAR but on that KUPOL.

    • sotilaspassi // April 10, 2017 at 9:35 am // Reply

      I doubt they would use KUBOL from RU connected with TELAR on Ukraine side. USA AWACS planes were just leaving the area, the risk to get caught seems too great. Also SIGINT satellites might catch the signal.

      If Russian radar was used, simpler way would be to send a coded SMS to TELAR with the coordinates of approaching target.
      Or use the Rostov area civilian radars that cover the area anyway.

      • Policarp // April 10, 2017 at 12:38 pm // Reply

        That is strange logic you have. They were ok with transferring multi-tonne piece of hardware from supposedly Russian military unit – direct and tangible evidence. But they will ve scared of sending encoded message over secured communication link. Even if SBIRS detected that message it is not evidence at all. So please carefully reconsider your argument.

        Using civilian radars and then passing the message over non secure communication links is also stupid based on same logic. TELAR needs specific data format on predicted interception point in order to launch the missile. Sending it by Sms and then inputting manually will make data irrelevant before input is accomplished.

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