Ukraine media reports on more indications Russia was involved in downing of MH17

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Ukraine journalists of the program ‘Donbass Realities’ (Донбасc.Реалии) did an investigation into Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinsky, a Russian national who is a suspect of transporting the Russian armed forces BUK TELAR into Easter Ukraine. This BUK TELAR according the Joint Investigation Team shot a surface to air missile at flight MH17, killing all 298 people on board the aircraft.

The journalists were able to talk to a former friend, a neighbor and the brother of Dubinsky. Radio Svoboda reports here in Ukraine language. Here a report by Unian in English language.

The whereabouts and history of Dubinsky were earlier reported by InformNapalm, Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, Dutch tv program Nieuwsuur and Bellingcat.

Novaya Gazeta found out the voice of a tapped telephone conversation about the transport of the BUK matches the voice of a Russian veteran named Sergey  Dubinsky. Dubinsky now lives in Russia near the city of Rostov, close to Ukraine.

Journalists of ‘Donbass Realities’ found out Dubinsky lived in a village called Velyka Novosilka in Eastern Ukraine before the war stated. Earlier Dutch journalist Gert-Jan Dennekamp visited this village. The mother of Dubinsky lived here. After his active military carreer Dubinsky returned to live in this village. This was around 2010.

The item by Nieuwsuur can be watched here

A former friend of Dubinsky told that he served in Chechnya  and Afghanistan. Later Dubinsky moved to another village in Ukraine called Storozhevo. A local here told the journalists that Dubinsky has a brother called Roman. Roman Dubinsky lives in Kiev and is pro Ukraine.

Roman confirms his brother served the Russian army and helped the separatists in Eastern Ukraine. Roman called his brother after the MH17 shotdown. Sergey Dubinsky stated Ukraine was responsible for the downing. “It was a provocation by Kiev”.

Roman Dubinsky was asked by the journalists to listen to the tapped telephone conversation. He was very sure the voice belongs to his brother.

Roman Dubinsky confirmed  Sergey Dubinsky now lives near Rostov and gave the address which was visited by other journalists like Gert-Jan Dennekamp of Nieuwsuur.

The ‘Donbass Realities’ journalist went to the house of Sergey Dubinsky but he refused to talk.

The video report can be seen .






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